Life hacks and assistive technology can be a game-changer for people with cerebral palsy who use power wheelchairs like me. Having the right tools and strategies can make everyday life easier and more manageable. Here are some life hacks and assistive technology tips that have helped me:
Customized Wheelchair Controls: Customized controls for my power wheelchair have been a huge help for me. I have difficulty using my hands, so I use a big handle to control my chair. I also have a button on the side that allows me to turn off and on my chair. These customizations make it easier for me to control my chair and navigate the world around me.
Communication Devices: Communication devices like my Accent 1400 have been a lifesaver. I use my eyes to control the device and communicate with others. It is frustrating not being able to speak or communicate easily, but having a communication device makes it much easier for me to express myself and participate in conversations.
Voice-Activated Home Devices: Voice-activated home devices like Amazon Echo or Google Home can be great for people with limited mobility like me. I could control the lights, TV, and other devices in my home with just my voice, which makes me feel more independent.
In conclusion, there are many life hacks and assistive technology tools available that can make life easier for people with cerebral palsy who use power wheelchairs. These tools can improve independence, communication, and overall quality of life.
Challenge: Have someone to push you around in an office chair.