If there is no exam in college, would you still be able to learn as much to live your career? Our college life would be so much easier and fun. Less time for studying and more parties. When it comes to starting our career, we wouldn’t be successful in the long run. That is life. I often think of trials as a test. There are stepping stones in our life that help us to learn and grow. We all have a history. How often do we look back at our past and see how far we have become?
Living in the body of severe cerebral palsy is extremely difficult. Often painful. Having little control over my muscles. Each and every day I wish to be a normal human being. No more waiting to get out of my bed. No more being hopeless sitting at the table. No more coughing and choking everyday. I would be in less pain and less lonely. My family and friends would want to see me live on my own. Be free to do whatever I want. Go anywhere I want. What is the purpose of being trapped in a broken body? What am I supposed to learn?
Before birth, my heart stopped for a reason. I was meant to have cerebral palsy for the rest of my life. I had accepted that fact. Having this disability is what helped me to decide who I want to be and how to live my life. It allows me to think back on my days more often. I have a lot of time to just reflect. What went smoothly? What could have gone worse? How to do things differently? How to be more thankful? I expressed my gratitude for all of the doctors and nurses who were able to get me out of my mom’s womb! I am so grateful that there was a C-Section room and everything was already set up! Luckily my heart didn’t stop minutes or hours earlier. I am thankful that I have cerebral palsy, so I can learn to appreciate the little things in life.
Okay, this might be a little bit random, but I saw your blog and had to ask, are you interested in a translation job? I know I’m a stranger but I felt like doing a good deed today by alerting a couple people that a good position has opened up here: https://msha.ke/freedomwithtay and they pay sometimes even $70/hour. Okay, they won’t always give that amount, I only made around $400 last week, but it’s part time and when times are tight, every little bit helps. Hope it helps, and my apologies if you’re not interested. Have a great day/evening!
I appreciate your reaching out! I am not interested in having a job at this time. Thank you though!